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Weekly Challenge - Goal for the Week (Part II)

Last week I challenged you to set weekly goals with me in my post Weekly Challenge - What Are Your Goals for the Week.  Did you do it?  My goal for the week was to get 275 page views for the blog this week.  To put this "stretch" goal into perspective, my largest month ever was 405 page views. I know you are on the edge of your seats and so ... you have to wait until the end of this post to see if I made it (and my new goal for this week).

Once you have set a goal and an achieve by date, when you get to the date you want to review.  Did I achieve my goal?  If so, how can I continue the momentum or do better?  If not, what stood in my way?  Do I need to re-prioritize what I'm working on?

So, join me this week with the Weekly Challenge - Goal for the Week (Part II).  Here are just a few things to keep in mind when you are setting your goal.

  1. What will you do?  
  2. By when will you do it?
  3. Can it be completed in that time?  If not, go back to #1 and be more realistic.
  4. Will it further one of your long-term goals or support one of your core values?  If not, go back to #1 and pick a new goal.
  5. Who will you share your goal with to provide accountability?  This person won't ask you every day if you have achieved your goal (unless you ask them to) but just the thought of walking past them in the hall will make you think about it (trust me).
  6. Write down your goal, by when you will complete it, with whom you will share it on a piece of paper and put it somewhere you will see it every day.  
  7. Tell the person about your goal (give them a copy of your note if you want, e-mai them, text them, etc.).
  8. Tell us about your goal by adding a comment to this post (and then come back when you complete it and share your success!)  You can also post a comment on my Facebook Page - Strategic Serendipity (please like it while you are there!).
My big stretch goal for last week was to get 275 page views for the blog this week.  I am thrilled to report that I had 282 page views this week and exceeded my goal!  I am going to think big - I'm going for 500 page views this week.  (If you see a post you think someone would like, please send them a link, it will be appreciated!)

Here's a parting thought while you're working this week - feel free to add it to the note you look at every day with your goal on it.  

"What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals."  Henry David Thoreau


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