When you are childless and go through a break up it is hard. I remember chocolate ice cream, Buffy the Vampire Slayer DVDs, and whole weekends spent on my couch. And then slowly you get back into things, maybe go out for a night on the town with friends or speed dating (preferably combined with a wine tasting). The entire process is about you and, well, processing what you have gone through. When you go through that break up with a child, however, it is different (still hard). The process now becomes about making sure your little (or not so little) one is comfortable with the new normal and you are forever tied with "the one that got away" through your child (or children). What's more, you now are doing most of it on your own (possibly without financial support) and quite frankly, that is draining in a way I can't even begin to explain. No matter what the circumstances of the parting of ways, no matter how amicable or how much of a relief it is, your mi...
Life and leadership are not about which path you take, they are about the choices you make when the roads diverge. The are not achieved in a one-day or one-month. They are compiled through a lifetime of education, experience, and reflection.